East Portland”s biggest development in history is coming to The Boundbrook says MP Annmarie Vaz
The Boundbrook Update 💛🇯🇲
“Tomorrow the #MHPM will be our guest speaker for the official #groundbreaking of #TheBoundbrook development.
This is the biggest development ever in my #EastPortland! #foundationforprosperity
#FCJ and the teams you all rock!
Way before I entered representational politics I have been working on this project! Determined to build an #EastPortland and a #Jamaica for all!
Mi can’t wait! #gladbagbuss
See you all tomorrow my family!
#ActionTeam #ActionAnn #ActionDoDat #OneJamaica #OneLove #Blessings #AnnMarieVaz” Annmarie Vaz
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